Police: Teacher Told Class to Hit Tardy Student
FOX News, March 31, 2008

Delta, Colo. — A Delta high school English teacher punished a student who was late for class by ordering him to do push-ups and sit-ups and letting other students hit him when he failed to complete the exercise, police said Monday.

Brian Havel, 22, faces charges of child abuse in the case, which allegedly happened March 14, said Delta Police interim Chief Roger Christian. He said police began investigating after the student, who is 15 or 16-years-old, told his parents what happened.

Christian said Havel demanded that the student do a certain amount of push-ups or sit-ups in a set amount of time when he arrived late for class. Christian said the student either refused to do the exercise or didn't finish in time.

"This was a disciplinary process that this teacher had used or was using," Christian said. He said one of the students suggested they be allowed to hit their classmate for not completing the exercise and Havel let them. Christian said about 10 to 15 students participated in hitting him. The student suffered no injuries, Christian said. The case is now being handled by the Delta District Attorney's Office.

It's unknown whether Havel still works at the high school. He has an unlisted phone number and could not be reached for comment. He will appear in court next month.


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